Tolerating bad IT is hard; switching your MSP is easy… I’m ready to switch my IT provider!

You may be thinking, ‘I need to switch my IT provider.’ Well, you’re not alone. You can be getting dramatically better IT outcomes in less than 45 days. All we need is a few administrator accounts, and it’s all systems go from there! That’s a good thing, because unreliable MSPs don’t often have much more than that – between us, it’s the #1 reason why they are failing. So why wait another day? Let’s get you on track to the technology success you deserve!

switch my IT Provider

Switching IT providers has never been easier.

Onboard Questionnaire

We have a secure questionnaire that you and your MSP complete to the best of your ability. At the end of the day, a server admin account and Microsoft 365 global admin is all that we need, if it comes to that.

End-User Survey

We assess your staff and leadership team to understand where and why IT is failing, and we build an interim Strategic Roadmap that begins delivering better results before Service Go Live even begins.

Documentation & Standards

Besides having an inadequate strategy, the top reason why MSPs flounder and their clients suffer is because there is no standardization, processes aren’t documented, and nothing is automated. That stops, today.


We effortlessly push out our management agents, chat support, co-management tools, and other IT management tools, including related policies, security services, and more.

Training & Go Live

End-users meet our leadership and support teams, get to know their Account Manager, receive training on getting the best support, and – finally – on that happy day, start getting the support they deserve.


Weekly Status Meetings

During our 45-day masterclass on manufacturing IT excellence, you just show up to a 15-minute Status Meeting so we can keep you in the know about what we have done and what comes next.

It isn’t luck if you can do it every time.

Your onboard project, managed.

As with all of our projects, expect this to be flawlessly executed thanks to a dedicated Project Manager, Project Team, and Project Lead, together with a detailed 12-page Project Plan outlining Phases, Key Milestones, and Tasks, all available to you in the Client Portal, and meticulously updated weekly in (well, yes, beautiful) PowerPoints and Meeting Recap communications.

    switch my IT provider in Ohio

    What to expect on your 1st day.

    The first day is something we call Go Live Day. This is the day you stop calling your old provider and you start calling us when you need something. On this momentous occasion, our Project Team provides dedicated support, the Remote Support Team is waiting for your first calls, and your Account Manager and Project Manager are standing by. As easy as this transition is, we know this is scary. Many of our now-longtime clients were with a handful of MSPs before they found us; they heard promises like these, once upon a time.

    What’s different this time is we can prove our perfection before you ever sign up in the first place. We’re committed to helping you select the right MSP, once and for all, so contact us about our Strategic IT Assessment that measures 12 foundational IT categories and grades 133 critical elements to modern IT, including a full Operational Maturity Level assessment of your organization.

    What to expect in 6 months.

    Despite our world-class onboard, we’d be negligent if we didn’t warn you that you’re still going to have some problems in your first couple of weeks and months. Many fewer, yes… but some, to be sure. Most new clients like you come to us because you’re sick, and we’re the doctor. Now, while many of our medicines are simple things like, “Uh, stop shooting yourself in the foot”, some take time and money to correct. That said, if you follow our advice, within six months, you can and should expect:

    • 66% fewer IT issues
    • 80% one-touch close on IT incidents
    • 85% reduction in new user and device setup costs
    • 99.99% reduced chance of successful account takeover
    switch my IT provider in Cleveland
    switch my IT provider

    I’m ready to switch my IT provider now!

    Consider Accellis as a partner. We can customize a solution for your company.